Post4Planet : Practical Sustainability Solution for Workspaces ( This one is for Post Offices )

Table of contents

The Problem Statement that we had to solve in the Smart India Hackathon

Digital BRSR Platform for India Post Network

Problem Statement

The Department of Posts (DoP) in India requires a cutting-edge, digital solution to implement a Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework. This platform aims to transform DoP into a leader in environmental and social sustainability while fostering transparency and accountability towards stakeholders.



The Department of Posts (DoP) plays a vital role in India’s social and economic fabric. Its vast network also has a significant ecological impact. Good intentions and individual efforts for sustainability, LiFE and environment friendly practices are visible throughout the network of India Post. Even with these all pervasive sustainability practices, a standardized reporting framework to measure and improve environmental and social performance and impact is missing across the DoP network.

By leveraging digital technologies, the BRSR platform can enable and empower the DoP to become a sustainability role model across all socio geographic communities around each post office. It would also help optimize resource use, minimize negative environmental impact, and help socio-economic development across the country with adequate fit to local context in each geography.

Challenge Description

This challenge seeks a cutting-edge digital solution to implement a Business Responsibility & Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) framework specifically designed for the muti-dimensional network and the service suite of the DoP which has a huge social and ecologocal impact.

This BRSR system should:

  • Capture Data Seamlessly: Integrate with existing DoP infrastructure to collect data on energy consumption, fuel usage, waste generation, water usage, and community engagement initiatives across all India Post establishments and installations.

  • Standardize Reporting: Develop a user-friendly interface for DoP staff, employees and partners to easily report on social and environmental parameters aligned with BRSR guidelines.

  • Generate Actionable Insights: Employ data analytics to generate reports with insights on DoP’s sustainability performance, identify areas for improvement, and track progress over time.

  • Promote Transparency and Accountability: Facilitate a platform for the DoP to publicly communicate its BRSR report, fostering transparency and accountability towards stakeholders.

  • Cover reports from a mobile workforce working from diverse locations: DoP’s extensive network includes post offices in remote locations with varying levels of technological expertise. The solution needs to be user-friendly and accessible for a geographically dispersed workforce.

Expected Solution

We envision a cloud-based, secure, and mobile-first BRSR platform with the following functionalities:

Seamless Data Collection

  • Mobile app for postal workers to record data on sustainability parameters (energy readings, waste logs, community outreach activities) even in offline mode

  • Integration with existing DoP systems for automatic data capture

  • Potential use of IoT sensors to collect real-time data on energy consumption

User-Friendly Reporting

  • Standardized interface for DoP staff to easily report on social and environmental parameters

  • Interactive dashboards with real-time and historical data on DoP’s sustainability performance

  • Generation of comprehensive BRSR reports aligned with BRSR guidelines, minimizing manual effort

Actionable Insights and Transparency

  • Data analytics tools to generate insights and reports, enabling data-driven decision making for improved sustainability

  • Public reporting portal for DoP to share BRSR reports, fostering trust and demonstrating commitment to sustainability

  • Benchmarking tools to compare performance across postal circles, encouraging healthy competition and knowledge sharing

Promoting Sustainability Culture

  • Gamification elements (leaderboards, badges) to incentivize participation and foster a culture of sustainability within DoP .

Expected Outcomes

  • Standardized Sustainability Reporting: A centralized platform for capturing and reporting on DoP’s environmental and social impact

  • Improved Transparency and Accountability: Increased transparency regarding DoP’s sustainability efforts, fostering trust with stakeholders

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Actionable insights for optimizing resource use, minimizing environmental impact, and enhancing social responsibility initiatives

  • Empowered Workforce: A mobile app empowers postal workers to contribute to DoP’s sustainability goals

  • Sustainable Leadership: DoP positioned as a leader in sustainable postal services, serving as a model for other government departments .

Understanding the Core Mission

The ESG Post Office initiative represents a comprehensive digital transformation of Indian postal services, focusing on environmental sustainability through technology. Every feature has been designed to measure, track, and improve the environmental impact of postal operations. Let’s explore exactly how each component works to create this sustainable ecosystem.

App Glimpses


App Based Data Easy Data Entry

Smart Location and Movement Tracking

The app’s location system does far more than simply track position. Here’s exactly how it works:

When a postal employee starts their day, the app automatically begins tracking their journey to work. Using high-precision GPS, it records their exact route, measuring every meter traveled. But it doesn’t just collect data — it actively compares the route taken against the optimal path to their post office.

For example, if an employee normally drives 5 kilometers to work but decides to walk instead, the system:

  1. Records their starting location from home

  2. Tracks their entire journey in real-time

  3. Calculates the exact distance covered

  4. Compares this against their normal commute distance

  5. Computes the carbon emissions saved by choosing to walk

  6. Converts these savings into Atoms (carbon credits)

The system is smart enough to verify that the tracked journey actually ends at the correct post office, preventing any potential misuse of the tracking system.

The Atoms System: Converting Green Actions to Rewards

The Atoms system serves as the backbone of the entire environmental initiative. Here’s exactly how it quantifies environmental impact:

Walking and Cycling Credits

  • The system counts your actual steps using your phone’s pedometer

  • It converts these steps into distance using an average stride length

  • The distance is then compared against your usual vehicular commute

  • The difference in carbon emissions is calculated and converted to Atoms

Public Transport Usage

When you use public transport, the system:

  • Verifies your journey through digital ticket scanning

  • Calculates the distance traveled

  • Compares emissions between public transport and private vehicle use

  • Awards Atoms based on the emissions saved

  • Applies an 82% credit factor to ensure conservative estimates

Vehicle-Specific Calculations

For those who must drive, the system tracks:

  • Your vehicle type (Petrol, Diesel, CNG, or Electric)

  • Actual mileage data

  • Distance traveled

  • Specific emission factors for your fuel type

  • Any carpooling or ride-sharing activities

Utility Management System

The utility tracking system provides comprehensive monitoring of all resource consumption:

Electricity Tracking

  • Records daily power consumption in kilowatt-hours

  • Monitors peak usage times

  • Tracks consumption patterns

  • Identifies unusual spikes in usage

  • Compares usage against historical averages

  • Suggests optimization opportunities

Water Conservation

  • Measures daily water consumption

  • Tracks usage patterns by department

  • Identifies potential leaks through anomaly detection

  • Provides water-saving recommendations

  • Monitors rainwater harvesting systems

Fuel Monitoring

  • Tracks vehicle fuel consumption

  • Monitors generator fuel usage

  • Records fuel efficiency metrics

  • Identifies opportunities for fuel savings

  • Provides detailed consumption reports

Smart Device Management Through QR Integration

One of the most innovative features of the ESG Post Office system is its sophisticated QR code-based device management system. This system transforms the way post offices control and monitor their electrical appliances, creating a bridge between physical devices and digital sustainability tracking.

The Smart Device Control Experience

Imagine walking into a post office early in the morning. On each electrical device — from computers to air conditioners — there’s a unique QR code. As an employee, you simply open the ESG Post Office app, point your camera at the device’s QR code, and magic happens. The app instantly recognizes the device and enables you to control it while simultaneously tracking its energy consumption.

Here’s exactly what happens when you scan a device’s QR code:

  1. Instant Device Recognition The system immediately identifies the device through its unique QR signature, which contains crucial information like:
  • The device’s name and unique identifier

  • Its power consumption specifications

  • Communication endpoints for device control

  • Integration parameters

2. Smart State Management The system intelligently manages device states:

  • If the device is currently off, scanning turns it on and starts tracking energy usage

  • If it’s already on, scanning turns it off and records the usage duration

  • Each state change is logged with precise timestamps

3. Real-Time Power Monitoring As soon as a device is activated, the system begins:

  • Tracking power consumption based on the device’s specified wattage

  • Recording usage patterns

  • Calculating energy costs

  • Computing carbon footprint impact

4. Usage Analytics The system maintains detailed records of:

  • Operating hours for each device

  • Peak usage periods

  • Energy consumption patterns

  • Efficiency metrics

  • Cost implications

Security and Validation

The system incorporates multiple layers of security:

  1. Authentication Checks
  • Verifies user credentials before allowing device control

  • Ensures users are authorized for their specific post office

  • Maintains audit trails of all device interactions

2. Data Validation

  • Verifies QR code authenticity

  • Validates device specifications

  • Ensures data integrity

Device Registration

When a new device is added:

  • The QR code is scanned to capture device details

  • The system verifies the device’s energy rating

  • Power consumption specifications are recorded

  • The device is added to the monitoring network

  • Real-time power usage tracking begins

Active Monitoring

For each registered device:

  • Power consumption is tracked in real-time

  • Usage patterns are analyzed

  • Idle time is monitored

  • Power-saving opportunities are identified

  • Maintenance schedules are managed

Solar Power Management

The solar tracking system provides comprehensive renewable energy monitoring:

Generation Tracking

  • Records real-time solar power generation

  • Monitors panel efficiency

  • Tracks weather impact on generation

  • Calculates carbon offset from solar usage

  • Provides detailed generation reports

Performance Analysis

  • Compares generation against expected output

  • Identifies maintenance needs

  • Tracks panel degradation

  • Suggests cleaning schedules

  • Calculates return on investment

Environmental Impact Dashboard

The dashboard provides a complete view of environmental performance:

Real-Time Metrics

  • Current power consumption

  • Water usage rates

  • Fuel consumption

  • Solar power generation

  • Carbon emission savings

  • Atoms earned by employees

Historical Analysis

  • Long-term consumption trends

  • Seasonal pattern analysis

  • Year-over-year comparisons

  • Progress towards environmental goals

  • Cost savings from green initiatives

Security and Privacy

The system protects all data through multiple security layers:

Data Protection

  • End-to-end encryption of all transmissions

  • Secure storage of personal information

  • Regular security audits

  • Automated threat detection

  • Regular backup systems

Access Control

  • Role-based feature access

  • Multi-factor authentication

  • Session management

  • Activity logging

  • Regular security updates

Mobile Experience

The app provides a seamless user experience through:

Interface Design

  • Intuitive navigation

  • Clear data visualization

  • Easy-to-use controls

  • Responsive layout

  • Offline functionality

User Support

  • In-app tutorials

  • Contextual help

  • Error recovery assistance

  • FAQ section

  • Support ticket system

The Complete Environmental Impact

Through this comprehensive system, each post office becomes a measurable force for environmental good. The app tracks and reports:

Direct Impact

  • Reduction in carbon emissions

  • Energy saved through efficiency

  • Water conservation achievements

  • Fuel consumption reduction

  • Renewable energy generation

Indirect Benefits

  • Employee awareness increase

  • Community environmental education

  • Resource cost savings

  • Operational efficiency improvements

  • Environmental compliance enhancement

This complete system creates a virtuous cycle of environmental improvement. Each action, from an employee’s morning commute to the solar panels on the roof, contributes to a measurable reduction in environmental impact. The system not only tracks these improvements but also provides the tools and motivation to continuously enhance them.

Through this comprehensive approach, the ESG Post Office initiative is creating a new standard for sustainable government operations, proving that with the right tools and motivation, traditional institutions can lead the way in environmental stewardship.

Technical Deep Dive: Under the Hood of ESG Post Office

Let’s explore the sophisticated technology that powers this environmental transformation. Each component has been carefully engineered to create a robust, scalable system that turns environmental consciousness into measurable action.

Location Intelligence System

The location tracking system serves as the foundation for measuring sustainable transportation choices. Here’s how it works:

The system employs the Ola Maps API with high-accuracy GPS tracking. When an employee starts their journey, the app initializes with this core functionality:

final position = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
  desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high,

The system then performs a series of operations:

  1. It captures the user’s current coordinates

  2. Retrieves the post office’s location using geocoding

  3. Calculates the optimal route between these points

  4. Computes the actual distance traveled

The accuracy of this system is crucial because it directly impacts the carbon credit calculations. The app uses sophisticated error handling to ensure reliable data:

if (response.statusCode == 200) {
  final data = json.decode(response.body);
  final postOfficeLocation = LatLng(
    data['geocodingResults'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat'] as double,
    data['geocodingResults'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng'] as double,

Carbon Credit (Atoms) Calculation Engine

The Atoms system represents a complex calculation engine that converts environmental actions into quantifiable credits. The mathematics behind this system is fascinating:

final steps = _currentSteps - _initialSteps;
final distanceInKm = steps / 1316; // Using average steps per kilometer
// Calculate effective distance
final effectiveDistance =
    distanceInKm < distanceToOffice ? distanceInKm : distanceToOffice;// Calculate CO2 emissions saved
double emissionsSaved = 0;
if (vehicleType.isNotEmpty && vehicleMileage > 0) {
  final emissionFactor = 2.31; // kg CO2 per liter
  final litersPerKm = 1 / vehicleMileage;
  emissionsSaved = effectiveDistance * litersPerKm * emissionFactor;

This engine accounts for:

  • Individual step counts for walking journeys

  • Vehicle-specific emission factors

  • Distance validation against known post office locations

  • Conversion of emissions saved to carbon credits

Multi-Modal Transportation Integration

The transportation tracking system supports various modes of travel, each with its own emission calculation algorithm. The system uses a sophisticated mapping of emission factors:

final emissionFactors = {
  'Petrol': 2.31,
  'Diesel': 2.68,
  'CNG': 1.89,
  'Electric': 0.0,

The app applies an 82% credit allocation to encourage accurate reporting:

final carbonCredits = (emissionsSaved / 1000) * 0.82;

Utility Management Infrastructure

The utility tracking system manages multiple streams of consumption data through a structured collection system:

final electricityBills = await postOfficeRef.collection('electricityBills').get();
final waterBills = await postOfficeRef.collection('waterBills').get();
final fuelBills = await postOfficeRef.collection('fuelBills').get();

The system aggregates and analyzes consumption patterns across different utilities:

  • Electricity consumption in kWh

  • Water usage in kiloliters

  • Fuel consumption in liters

QR Code Integration System

The device management system uses QR codes for seamless integration of new equipment. The validation process is thorough:

if (!jsonData.containsKey('device_name') ||
    !jsonData.containsKey('device_id') ||
    !jsonData.containsKey('webhook_url') ||
    !jsonData.containsKey('wattage')) {
  throw Exception('Invalid QR code format: Missing required fields');

Each QR code contains:

  • Device identification details

  • Power consumption specifications

  • Integration endpoints

  • Authentication credentials

Solar Integration Framework

The solar tracking system provides real-time monitoring of renewable energy generation:

await FirebaseFirestore.instance
  'solarUnits': double.parse(_solarUnitsController.text),

This framework includes:

  • Real-time unit tracking

  • Historical performance analysis

  • Automatic data synchronization

  • Impact visualization

Architecture and Security Implementation

The application follows clean architecture principles with three distinct layers:

  1. Presentation Layer: Handles UI and user interaction

  2. Domain Layer: Contains business logic and use cases

  3. Data Layer: Manages data persistence and API communication

Security measures are implemented at every level:

  • End-to-end encryption for data transmission

  • Role-based access control for feature access

  • Secure authentication using Firebase

  • Comprehensive audit logging

  • Data validation at multiple levels

State Management and Error Handling

The app uses Riverpod for state management, providing:

  • Predictable state updates

  • Dependency injection

  • Efficient rebuilds

  • Testable code structure

Error handling is implemented through a cascading system:

try {
  // Operation execution
} catch (e) {
  if (mounted) {
        content: Text('Error: ${e.toString()}'),

Performance Optimization

The app employs several optimization techniques:

  • Lazy loading of heavy components

  • Efficient caching of frequently accessed data

  • Background processing for intensive calculations

  • Progressive image loading

  • Network request batching

This technical infrastructure creates a robust foundation for environmental tracking and improvement. Each component has been designed with scalability in mind, allowing the system to grow alongside India’s postal network while maintaining performance and reliability.

The combination of these technical elements creates a sophisticated yet user-friendly system that makes environmental stewardship accessible and measurable. Through careful architecture and thoughtful implementation, the ESG Post Office app sets a new standard for sustainable digital transformation in government services.

This App was Contributed by Sainath ( Me )

The App-Dashboard Connection: A Real-Time Environmental Monitoring System

This Dashboard was contributed by Sunny and Sainath .

Bidirectional Data Flow

The ESG Post Office system’s power lies in its seamless integration between the mobile app and dashboard. Here’s how they work together:

1. Firebase as the Bridge

The system uses Firebase as its real-time communication backbone:

import { initializeApp, getApps } from 'firebase/app';
import { getFirestore } from 'firebase/firestore';
import { getAnalytics } from 'firebase/analytics';
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_API_KEY,
  authDomain: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN,
  projectId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID,
  // ... other config
};// Initialize Firebase and Firestore
const app = getApps().length === 0 ? initializeApp(firebaseConfig) : getApps()[0];
const db = getFirestore(app);

This configuration enables:

  • Real-time data synchronization

  • Secure authentication

  • Scalable data storage

  • Instant updates across devices

2. Mobile App Data Collection

When an employee uses the mobile app:

  1. Device Activation
  • // When a device is turned on via QR scan

await addDoc(collection(db, 'appliancesOn'), { device_name:, device_id:, wattage: deviceData.wattage, on_timestamp: serverTimestamp(), user_id: currentUser.uid, postOfficeId: userPostOffice });

2. Utility Readings

  • // When utility readings are submitted

await updateDoc(doc(db, 'postOffices', postOfficeId), { electricityUnits: newUnits, lastUpdated: serverTimestamp() });

3. Environmental Actions

// When green actions are recorded

await addDoc(collection(db, 'greenActions'), { userId: currentUser.uid, actionType: 'WALK_TO_WORK', carbonSaved: calculatedSavings, timestamp: serverTimestamp() });

3. Dashboard Real-Time Updates

The dashboard actively listens for these changes:

export default function Dashboard() {
  useEffect(() => {
    const fetchData = async () => {
      try {
        // Get all post offices
        const postOfficesRef = collection(db, 'postOffices');
        const postOfficesSnapshot = await getDocs(postOfficesRef);
        let totalElectricityUnits = 0;
        let totalWaterUnits = 0;
        let totalFuelLitres = 0;        // Process each post office's data
        for (const postOfficeDoc of {
          const postOfficeData =;
          const postOfficeId =;          // Get electricity bills
          const electricityRef = collection(db, 'postOffices', postOfficeId, 'electricityBills');
          const electricitySnapshot = await getDocs(electricityRef);          electricitySnapshot.forEach(doc => {
            const data =;
            if (data.unitsConsumed) {
              totalElectricityUnits += Number(data.unitsConsumed);
          // ... similar processing for water and fuel

4. Real-Time Energy Monitoring

The energy page demonstrates this tight integration:

const fetchAndUpdateData = async () => {
  try {
    // Fetch active devices
    const appliancesSnapshot = await getDocs(query(collection(db, 'appliancesOn')));
    const devices = => ({
    })) as ApplianceData[];
    // Calculate current energy usage
    const device2Data = devices.filter(device => device.device_id === 'device_2');
    let nonRenewableEnergy = 0;    device2Data.forEach(device => {
      const onTime = device.on_timestamp.seconds;
      const offTime = device.off_timestamp?.seconds || Math.floor( / 1000);
      const operationTimeHours = (offTime - onTime) / 3600;
      const deviceEnergy = (device.wattage / 1000) * operationTimeHours;
      nonRenewableEnergy += deviceEnergy;

5. Visualization Components

The dashboard uses specialized components to display this real-time data:

const MetricCard: React.FC<MetricCardProps> = ({
}) => {
  const router = useRouter();
  const getIcon = (title: string) => {
    switch (title) {
      case 'Energy Consumption':
        return FaBolt;
      case 'Water Consumption':
        return FaWater;
      case 'Fuel Consumption':
        return FaGasPump;
      // ... other cases

6. Data Flow Examples

Let’s follow a typical data flow:

  1. Mobile App Action
  • Employee scans device QR code

  • App records device activation

  • Firebase receives timestamp and device data

2. Real-Time Processing

  • Dashboard detects new device activation

  • Updates active device count

  • Recalculates current power consumption

  • Updates visualization components

3. Dashboard Updates

  • Energy consumption metrics refresh

  • Charts redraw with new data

  • Historical data updates

  • Alerts trigger if thresholds exceeded

7. Integration Benefits

This tight integration provides:

  1. Instant Visibility
  • Real-time energy consumption tracking

  • Immediate anomaly detection

  • Live carbon footprint calculation

  • Instant feedback on green actions

2. Data Accuracy

  • Cross-validation between app and dashboard

  • Timestamp verification

  • User action tracking

  • Error detection and correction

3. Actionable Intelligence

  • Trend analysis

  • Behavior pattern recognition

  • Resource optimization opportunities

  • Performance benchmarking

4. Environmental Impact

  • Carbon savings calculations

  • Resource usage optimization

  • Green initiative tracking

  • Sustainability goal monitoring

This seamless integration between the mobile app and dashboard creates a powerful environmental monitoring and improvement system. The mobile app serves as the data collection point, while the dashboard provides comprehensive analysis and visualization capabilities, all connected through Firebase’s real-time infrastructure.

We also Developed Some awesome tools for increasing the adoptability of the system :

This Chat Bot is contributed by Sunny .

We’ve created a unique India Post Chatbot ( DakSathi ) designed to make postal services simple and accessible for everyone. Whether you’re sending a package, tracking a delivery, exploring savings schemes, or just need answers to your questions, the chatbot is here to guide you every step of the way.

It’s like having a helpful postal assistant in your pocket — ready to provide clear, easy-to-understand answers anytime, anywhere. From helping small business owners streamline their shipping process to ensuring families can access financial services or even guiding students sending important documents, this chatbot is built for everyone.

With support for multiple languages and straightforward instructions, it’s designed to make your experience with India Post fast, easy, and stress-free, no matter who you are or where you’re from.

These Two systems contributed by Pulkit .

Revolutionizing Sustainable Planning with AI and APIs

Harnessing cutting-edge technology, we developed an innovative solution to promote sustainability and efficiency in resource management. By integrating advanced AI models like OpenAI CLIP-32 with APIs such as OpenStreetMap and Google Maps, alongside powerful text analysis tools, our system delivers comprehensive solutions for two key challenges: building rooftop analysis and automated report generation.

Glimpses of the AI Tools

1. Smart Rooftop Analysis for Sustainability

Using OpenAI CLIP-32, we accurately detect buildings from satellite imagery based on geographic coordinates. By pairing this with the OpenStreetMap API for mapping and the Google Maps API for detailed insights, the solution identifies buildings and calculates their rooftop area. This data is crucial for assessing:

  • Solar Energy Potential: The rooftop area is analyzed to determine the amount of solar panels that can be installed. This estimate includes energy yield calculations, helping urban planners and homeowners move toward renewable energy adoption.

  • Rainwater Harvesting Capability: Our algorithm calculates potential rainwater catchment for the given rooftop area, aiding water conservation efforts.

This process empowers policymakers, environmentalists, and real estate developers to make informed decisions about renewable energy and water sustainability with minimal input — just the coordinates of the site.

2. Automated Report Generation from Annual Reports

To streamline reporting requirements, especially in sustainability and compliance documentation, we leveraged:

  • OCR Tools: Extract text from scanned or digital annual reports with high precision.

  • Regex (Regular Expressions): Identify and structure specific data points, such as financial metrics, ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) information, and other critical details.

  • NLTK Libraries: Perform advanced natural language processing to extract insights and categorize information accurately.

This extracted data is automatically integrated into Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reports (BRSR), ensuring compliance with regulatory standards and saving countless hours of manual work. The automated pipeline ensures that companies meet reporting requirements seamlessly while focusing on strategic goals.


This system combines AI, geospatial data, and NLP tools to address real-world problems with precision and efficiency. By identifying untapped potential for solar and rainwater harvesting and automating labor-intensive report generation, it contributes significantly to sustainable development and corporate accountability.

This Eco-Friendly Sustainable Ecommerce Website contributed by Debpratim .

Building a Sustainable Future with Atoms: The Eco-Ecommerce Revolution

In our mission to integrate sustainability into everyday life, we developed a unique e-commerce platform where users can purchase eco-friendly products using “Atoms,” a reward currency. This system promotes environmental awareness and incentivizes sustainable living.

Earning Atoms: A Sustainable Approach

Atoms can be earned by engaging in eco-friendly activities such as recycling, reducing carbon footprints, or participating in community sustainability programs. Users are rewarded for actions that contribute to a greener planet, creating a direct link between individual efforts and tangible rewards.

Eco-Friendly Shopping Experience

The platform features a diverse catalog of sustainable products, as showcased in the image above, including environmental monitoring tools, energy efficiency devices, and waste management solutions. Products are priced in both traditional currency and Atoms, allowing users to make eco-conscious choices without financial barriers.

Impactful Innovation

This initiative not only fosters a community of environmentally responsible individuals but also drives demand for sustainable products. By making eco-friendly choices rewarding and accessible, we’re empowering users to actively participate in building a greener, more sustainable future.

This blend of gamification, sustainability, and commerce highlights the potential of technology to inspire positive environmental change.

AI-Powered Waste Segregation Tool: Simplifying Sustainability with Flutter

This tool was contributed by Aditya .

We developed an innovative waste segregation tool using Flutter and TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) models, designed to simplify and promote proper waste disposal. This tool leverages advanced technology to guide users in segregating waste effectively and sustainably, all while ensuring accessibility through multi-language support.

How It Works

  1. Object Recognition with TFLite
    The tool runs a lightweight TFLite model directly on the user’s device, enabling real-time object detection. When an object is shown to the device, the model identifies its material (e.g., plastic, metal, organic, etc.).

  2. Bin Recommendation
    Based on the material detected, the tool recommends the correct dustbin (e.g., recyclable, organic, or hazardous) where the waste should be disposed of. This makes waste segregation straightforward and error-free.

  3. Text-to-Speech (TTS) Guidance
    To ensure inclusivity, the tool uses TTS (Text-to-Speech) to vocalize instructions in multiple vernacular languages of India, making it accessible to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

Impact and Benefits

  • Promotes Proper Waste Segregation
    The tool educates users about waste disposal, reducing contamination in recycling streams and enhancing environmental sustainability.

  • Accessible to All
    Vernacular TTS ensures that the tool can be used across India, breaking language barriers and fostering adoption in rural and urban communities alike.

  • Encourages Behavioral Change
    By making waste segregation easy and interactive, the tool encourages users to adopt environmentally responsible habits.

This solution highlights the potential of mobile technology and AI to address critical environmental challenges while empowering communities with user-friendly and inclusive tools.

Interactive Learning App for Postal Employees and Customers

This Learning tool was contributed by Nandini .

We developed a user-friendly learning app specifically designed to empower postal employees and customers with essential skills and knowledge. The app incorporates advanced educational techniques such as Socratic learning to make learning engaging, interactive, and highly effective.

Key Features

  1. Socratic Learning Method
    The app promotes learning through questions, discussions, and critical thinking exercises, helping users deeply understand topics instead of rote memorization.

2. Interactive Learning Modules

  • Tailored Content: Modules such as “Technology in Postal Services” and “Financial Services” provide focused learning opportunities.

  • Gamification: Track progress through exercises and levels (e.g., beginner, intermediate) to maintain engagement.

3. Multi-Lingual Support
The app is accessible in multiple languages, ensuring inclusivity for a diverse user base.

4. Insights for Growth

  • Progress Metrics: Users can monitor their progress and performance.

  • Skills Enhancement: Topics covered include modern postal operations, financial literacy, and tech tools.

5. Friendly Interface
The UI is designed to be intuitive and visually appealing, encouraging users to explore and learn effortlessly.


  • Employee Empowerment: By staying updated on the latest tools and techniques, postal employees can improve their service efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  • Customer Awareness: Equipping customers with knowledge about postal services ensures smoother transactions and better utilization of services.

This app exemplifies the potential of technology to transform learning experiences, ensuring that postal employees and customers alike are prepared for modern challenges in an engaging and inclusive manner.

Thanks to the Whole Team for ideating all this and to create a good solution to solve our problem statement in the Smart India Hackathon 2024.